it be magical!
be totally honest, I have been debating on whether to post this or not, because
I don’t want to embarrass my amazing parents… or say that what you do to
celebrate holidays in your family is wrong in any way shape or form- BUT…
because this is something that is so important to me and has impacted my life
unknowingly until know.. I am going to share with you my own little personal
“magical” holidays with you!
those of you who know my family and I know that for the majority of my
childhood (up until I was 11 years old) we lived in a two bedroom duplex- in
this cozy little place we loved to call home- lived my two incredible parents
and 5 children (including myself). We were snug as a bug- without much room for
privacy or secrecy when it came to the holidays because lets be real… where on
earth would Santa or the Easter bunny be able to hide their plentiful stash for
us little ones… not to mention- how on earth could they be ever so sneaky as to
set up and lay out all of the gifts and goodies each holiday without waking any
of us anxious and excited children up when we were just a few feet away? Well
my friends that, is where the magic all happens!
up, I, in all innocence, had no idea of the hard work that and sleepless nights
that were behind the scenes of it all. This magic that surrounds the holidays-
was just that, magical! There was no way of explaining how things happened,
they just did! I lived for these magical moments- lets be real, I still do!
These were those perfect little moments in childhood that you believed
everything- and it was all truly remarkable! Well as I got older obviously
things changed- this is not to say that there was any less work being done
behind the scenes- because if you know the Santa and Easter bunny like I do-
these were some busy bees 24/7- no matter the age, belief, or holiday for that
matter- they were bound and determined to make every holiday just as magical as
wasn’t until this past Easter however, that I came to fully understand and realize
what this magic truly was. This magic isn’t something you can merely believe
in, its not something that you gain by watching holiday movies, or even the
little traditions (however- all these things do contain their own magic and
wonder). The magic that I now realize made every single holiday so incredible-
is one simple little thing.
is the magic of love.
was Keller’s second Easter. And he was so excited to take part in every
activity you could think of from making cookies and decorating eggs to Easter
egg hunts and story time. We.. (okay I talked and he jibber jabbered …) but we
talked of the reason we celebrate Easter and of how because of the incredible
sacrifice our savior made, we get to be together for all eternity. Of course he
didn’t understand everything I was saying- or why all of these activities were
being done- but he loved every minute! His excitement and eagerness to participate
made me as a mom even more excited for all of our holiday festivities! Even in
his innocent young age, you could see that excitement and wonder in his eyes-
as well as every child’s eyes as they talk of the Easter bunny and the
traditions that they get to have with their own families. It is truly an
incredible thing to listen of their love of their savior and their excitement
in all of this magic!
as Easter quickly approached us this year with Kurt wrapping up school (one
more week!!! Ahhhhh) and me still working full time training a replacement for while
I am on maternity- life has been a bit hectic to say the least! So as the night
before Easter snuck up.. I was far from ready… this Easter bunny didn’t quite
know it yet- but she was in for a duzy of a night.
tucking little Keller bug in for the
night and finding my hard working hubby sound asleep on the couch while
studying for all his test I sent him up to bed as well. The poor guy with
little resistance was also soon sound asleep. So there it was me and my
sleeping boys… this Easter bunny was now on a mission to get stuff ready before
collapsing herself from the exhaustion of the day.
eggs were stuffed, baskets prepared, outfits layed out … including the bowtie
that was made last minute! But it turned out pretty cute if I might say so
myself! Well everything was ready- this little bunny was quite proud of her work
and at after ONE in the morning headed up to bed only to hear little Keller
calling for mommy… he was still new to the whole big boy bed deal so nights had
been pretty rough as of late. So There it was almost 2 am and even though my
body ached and I wanted nothing more than to feel the comfort of my lovely
pillow I instead crawled into bed with my little Keller bug as his little arms wrapped
tightly around my neck he almost
instantly fell back to sleep, holding tightly to his mommy- I laid there,
snuggling Keller, feeling my baby girl kicking like crazy, and couldn’t help
but to think of how many nights my own parents- totally exhausted spent holding
and snuggling me when they wanted nothing more than to sleep. I laid there and
cried- not sad tears, but happy tears. Grateful tears. All these years I knew
nothing of the true magic behind each of these holidays- all these years I knew
nothing of the sacrifice- the hard work- the sleepless nights. All these years
I never knew that it all boiled down to own thing- LOVE!
simply cannot express how grateful I am for my parents and their incredible
example to me. All those years are now flooding my mind with the true magic of
each holiday! Because of all they did and sacrificed I was able to soak in the
innocent magic of each and every season- because of all they taught me- I am
now able to celebrate each holiday with my own children- I am able to help
create that beautiful magic I so often looked forward to with eagerness and
bright eyes!
are truly a magical time for any age- any belief- and any person. Holidays are
what we make them out to be, so I say- MAKE THEM MAGICAL!! I am not saying that
you have to spend tons of money or go all out in ways you otherwise couldn’t.
BUT- spend time on the little things- take time to snuggle, to love- take time
to make believe- and most importantly take the time to celebrate the true
meaning of each holiday! This my friends is where that true magic lies. Let it
be magical!!!
dying eggs.... painting blocks... and heck why not paint your belly too?!? |
way too much can change in one year.... This little buddy needs to quit growing up so fast!... Keller's first and second Easters! |
checking out his new Easter goodies with daddy at grandma and grandpas house!
these two disappeared for a bit.. they were just chatting away playing with the duckies in grandma's playroom!
counting out the eggs with grandma |
sugar crash after church! hahahahaha |
my little Easter buddy! just stopping to smell the roses...err ummm dandy lions!! |
"ooooo mama 'sniff' sniff' " haha he loves to smell his special flowers! hahaha I love this little man and his incredible imagination!! |
The best Easter picture I could get... this little man just didn't want to smile for the camera! Good thing he's still cute right?!? |