I cannot believe that one full month has officially passed! You my darling baby
girl, are growing up far too quickly!!
You LOVE to snuggle.. in fact you kinda... err ummm really hate to be left alone! You LOVE your big brother- and he can get you to smile like nobody's business! I am still not sure how- but I think it is just because you know just how awesome he is- and he sure loves you to the moon!!! I am quite certain that the two of you are going to love causing mischief together and will be the best of buddies!
You my little lady also love to spit up.. okay that is a lie.. I am sure you hate spitting up, BUT you do it ALL THE TIME! i am fairly certain that you have crazy reflux issues but I am hoping they go away soon- because good gaully girl! also on that note, I am quite certain that you hate the hiccups! Seeing as how they cause you to spit up all the time!
You LOVE to sit up - with help of course!
You LOVE to be outside.. as long as it is not windy! But you especially love being in the sun! You are officially a summer girl! ohh.... and your dad is crossing his fingers that you will learn to love boating!
You love going on walks, and love watching your big brother dance around! You my little lady have put up with a very very busy first month like a super trooper! and for that, I love you and am so proud of you!!!
oon that note... on to my original blog post :)
This past month has been such a busy one and I can't believe everything you
have already experienced so far in your short life... for a quick recap....
-Natalie returned home from her mission just 10 days before your arrival!
-You were born!!!!!
-Mom had an allergic reaction and basic body shutdown... lesson learned! all
you mommies... take it easy after giving birth!! Bigger lesson learned... Your daddy is AMAZING! And can do anything!
-1st & 2nd doctor appointments (you were a champ at both your newborn checkup and 2
week appt)
-24th of July celebrations (we didnt do much-but we did take TONS of pictures and snuggle LOTS!)
-Mom was down and out with a kidney infection! Dad, Keller, and you were such
troopers!! How did I get so lucky?!?!
-Lexie and Tyler's wedding! at only 2 weeks old, you were a trooper girlfriend!
-walks, walks, and more walks! you and Keller LOVE going in walks!
-Natalie's homecoming talk! and a big shout out to your big brother Keller...
he folded his arms during both Sacrament prayers and was such a good boy!! way
to go Keller bug!!
-lots of grunts and babbling!! you, my little lady make some funny noises...
kinda like a little goat... but a cute little goat!
-Thanksgiving point adventures with Grandma! Keller loves big adventures and
you did an awesome job sleeping through your first big adventure!! and let's not forget all of the little faces
you make!
-your first boating adventure! you were not the biggest fan... those darn life
-Lexie and Tyler's wedding open house!
-and waaaabammm you are ONE MONTH!!!
now lets review some of those pictures!!
Thanksgiving Point pictures:
Boating Pictures:
A Little Bit of Everything: