I know they say you should sleep when your baby sleeps but I can't help but to smile and pause in gratitude when I get out of the shower and find my sweet baby boy and husband all snuggled in bed fast asleep meanwhile the movie they started plays in the background... Yet from all their exhaustion they only watched about 10 minutes. I smile when I go to put Keller in his bassinet and they both snuggle closer together as if to subconsciously tell me they are comfortable and don't want to be budged at all. I smile knowing how much this daddy loves his little boy and how much he misses him everyday! I smile knowing that this daddy is my incredible husband, a man who works hard to support our little family all day and then comes home wanting so badly to snuggle but has endless hours of studying and schoolwork. However even with his heavy workload he still manages to find time for me and Keller! He still spoils us with hugs and kisses! He shows us unconditional love he sacrifices his time, money, and even sleep! He doesn't hesitate to wake up and snuggle for those late nights. Even though he can't "feed" the baby he wakes up with us anyways just to snuggle and talk. He changes diapers even though it's not his “favorite” thing! He cleans up spit up and tells great stories of skiing and future adventures! He is my husband, my best friend, and my eternal companion! Even though we are still adjusting and are exhausted more often than not, we are happier than ever! I love my sweetheart more now then I could have ever imagined! I can't believe how blessed I am to have my boys! I love my little Keller bug and kurt more than anything! I smile as I walk in and see them snuggling and with everything running through my mind, I know that I have it all! I smile not because life is perfect but because it is a life of happiness a life of learning a life of fun a life of love and most of all a life I get to live, love, and enjoy as we try our best to be perfect... Knowing its nearly impossible but loving the journey. Besides I think this is far better than perfection... Exhaustion and all... This life is my own perfect little heaven on earth!!
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