Where does the time go? I couldn't help but to laugh when I realized that this was our little Keller last thanksgiving...
and then this is him now..........
yes he is playing hockey.. with a basketball... total daddy's boy!
It is absolutely amazing to me how much can change in such a short amount of time!! It is unreal to think of all that has happened in one short year and all that is yet to come! It is simply crazy!!!!
Well, this year our Thanksgiving was fairly mellow... and I loved it!!! We had "thanksgiving dinner" two weeks earlier with Kurt's parents and his siblings and then on thanksgiving day we cooked, cleaned, ate, relaxed, and then partied! :)haha Thanksgiving day we stayed at our house for dinner and did our very own thanksgiving dinner... laugh if you want but it was actually a blast!!! We loved being able to spend that time together- watch the parade- and of course.. play!! Well after we let our food settle- we got ready for the day and headed up to bountiful to visit my side of the family! and of course you will have to forgive me because I am terrible at taking pictures when there is so much going on.. haha call me crazy!
but here are a few that I did get...
Every year my incredible grandma makes a gingerbread house for each family to decorate.. and by a ton I mean a ton!! We happen to have an extremely large family!!!
Here are some pics of this years ginger bread house... guess who picked the wording... yes Kurt was very proud! |
okay so this says... "hockey family" I know I know I did it too big so it wouldn't all fit! whoops!!
and for the back.....
We loved visiting and spending time with family! On our way home we had planned to stop at the outlets and check out the deals but driving around the parking lot looking for a spot to park... we opted for something better.....
We headed home- got all cozy! and watched Christmas movies!!! What better way to end a day of thanks than snuggled up with your very favorite little snuggle buddies!!
do you love kellers new "cheese" face?!?!? hahaha oh great! |
my two favorites chattering away!! We love that Keller's new thing is to tell us stories .. even though we don't understand 90% of what he says!! That little bug already has the cutest little imagination! I love him!!! |
yes every picture now has this "adorable"??? little cheesy grin! |
CHEESE!!!! |
Oh and these are from a few weeks ago... on Tuesdays when I watch the girls we like to think of fun "girl crafts" (in addie's words) soo.. we made some thanksgiving turkeys!
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