2 years ago around this time we were keeping a secret...
we were beaming with excitement... we were terrified... we thought we were the
happiest in our lives... we were pregnant with our first child! pregnant with
our sweet little Keller! fast forward two short fun filled years later and we
are once again more thrilled and excited then you would ever believe possible!
we cannot believe that this little miss will be here in less than 20 weeks!
time- you are a funny little thing!
Keller @ 9 weeks |
Baby girl @ 16 weeks |
Once upon a time I was a little girl who always heard
"you are growing up too fast" I would smile politely and secretly
roll my eyes - these crazy adults! what are they thinking?!? too fast? me
growing? they were all nuts... and then it happened!
I met my sweetheart- we fell in love- we were sealed for
time and all eternity- and we started our little family. and that folks was
when that little thing we like to call time began to fast forward... now I know
what those crazy adults all meant!
my little Keller bug is growing up faster than you would
ever think possible! our lives are on a constant fast forward and everyday I
think can we really do this? are we crazy? and then I look at Keller and I
know- yes we might be a little crazy- BUT we are happy- we are blessed- we are
a family and we can do this!
I have never been happier- I am not only blessed to be
the mother to one little angel but two! everyday is different, everyday is an
adventure- everyday is a blessing.
snuggling my sweet little Keller while he sleeps
listening to him breath, feeling the gentle clasp his little fingers have on my
hair- laughing that I am now that crazy adult praying for time to slow down on
a daily basis! snuggling today is extra special for me because I get to feel
not only Keller's little movements and snuggles but I get to feel my sweet baby
girl inside turning and kicking. It is funny but I think these two already have a sweet little relationship! My tummy gets more kisses than I do now and if I ever want to feel her move.. I just need to snuggle Keller and our sweet little girl gets very excited! I don't know how she knows it is him but if I am snuggling him it is almost certainty that she is jumping, flipping, and twisting with excitement. Such a precious little miracle!

she is growing more and more everyday but every little
movement when I get to feel them is a blessing- a miracle. I know that these
perfect little moments won't last forever and I know that far too often I take
each one for granted. I know that these little moments that sneak by ever so quickly are the ones that once past are missed greatly! These little moments are tender mercies that Heavenly
Father has blessed me with to help me know why I do the things I do. these
little moments are when I know that families are forever!! I know that I can't freeze time or even slow
it down- BUT I can live in the moment- I can thank my father in heaven for
these little snipits in time these precious little moments that I will love and
cherish forever!
this was a toy we bought for a birthday present... keller clearly didnt care that it was pink.. and he clearly did not want to give it away!! |
grandma got him a valentines day surprise.... including a little jake and the neverland pirates toy- somebody was a little bit excited!!!! |
watching Thomas the train on Netflix.. he is growing up way too fast!! |
18.5 weeks with baby girl! |
Keller loves baby Berklie!! (Lance and Atalie's baby.. not mine.. even though I would love to keep her as my own!!!) |
our little climber! ..and goof ball!! |
hockey player.. and a scholar! hahaha! |
Your belly is soo cute!! We need to have you guys over so we can get to know you better.
ReplyDeleteahh I don't know how I'm just now seeing your comment but yes we need to plan something! your kids are darling!!