October 12, 2014. What an incredible day. My heart is so full of love and gratitude! Sailor, you are so precious and tiny- you have been on this earth for just over 12 weeks now, and today I know that you had an incredible spirit around you and could feel your heavenly fathers spirit so strongly!
Watching all of the incredible priesthood holders in my family surround my little princess as her daddy was able to give her a name and a blessing was truly a remarkable experience. Watching our grandpas, dads, brothers, and Kurt all surround our little girl brought instant tears to my eyes. Knowing that each of these incredible men as well as our other uncles and friends who came to support are each such incredibly amazing husbands and fathers who are all worthy priesthood holders brings more joy to my heart than I can explain. Knowing that each of these men are there to love and protect my children is the greatest feeling. I have been so incredibly blessed to have two of gods greatest possessions given to me! My Heavenly Father has trusted me to care for, teach, and love his little angels! and I couldn't be more terrified and happy all at the same time!
Sailor, today you were blessed by your daddy! It was a beautiful blessing given to you through your daddy, from your Heavenly Father. I know you won't remember it, but I know that if dad and I do our best to love and teach you, you will grow into a beautiful worthy daughter of god and the blessings given to you today will each unfold as you live your life according to the teachings of your Heavenly Father. Sailor, I love you and I want you to know that! I know that as you grow you will be tempted and satan will try his very hardest to misguide you and this absolutely terrifies me to even think about- BUT I know without a doubt that our savior lives and that he is always with you to help you along your way. Sailor you are such a perfect, beautiful daughter of god and I am so excited for all of the adventures we will have together as a family. You have already brought so much joy and happiness into our home! You are such a happy little camper- especially when you are being snuggled! and today you were absolutely perfect and didn't even make a peep during your blessing! (and you didnt spit up... it was truly a Sunday miracle!!) Sailor, we all love you so very much, especially your big brother!! You are his little buddy and he would carry you around everywhere to show you off, if we let him! You are our little princess and we are so very happy to have you in our family for all of eternity!! I love you sweetheart!!!
proof that cute AUNTIE LEX can make babies happy.. and sleep!!! |
After everyone left, Sailor was wide awake and ready to play... and Keller was exhausted!!! hahahaha He loves to play with those cousins!! |
Keller lovin on Sailor! |
We probably should have taken a family picture BEFORE all of the crazy festivities.. but nope! Proof that we all survived the fun! |
My beautiful baby girl in her first white dress!! |
When Keller grows up, he wants to be just like his grandpa! Shoes, planes, and all!!
Sailor snugglin grandma and grandpa! |
We survived!!! well almost.. Keller is a bit worn out! |
All of the girls!!! all 5 sisters, one gorgeous grandma, and one beautiful baby girl! |
Now for your entertainment... lets just say it is very difficult to get a smiling picture of all of us... ohh and Dan and Scott were our photographers.. so that may or may not have helped!! hahaha
Photo cred... scottie boy! |
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