October 17th- I had the opportunity to run a very tolling
half marathon with my youngest sister- we thought we were ready. After
spending a portion of my summer with pneumonia and learning that recovery takes
time- I quickly realized that I was NOT ready for this race! But how hard could
it really be? This particular marathon was a trail marathon that is over
75% uphill and I quickly realized it was hard! Really hard!
(we spent a good hour or so warming up in the car... veronica had a wonderful experience of an exploding pre-workout drink!)
We started our morning off by waking up at
4AM…. Not the best idea… but we thought we would get lost up the canyon looking
for the trailhead. We were the first to arrive and it was pitch black and
freezing outside! We were so so sooo excited! We successfully entertained ourselves
for 2 hours before the race started … we were laughing… and having a blast! We
got this! Haha
Well to say my sister is
amazing is an understatement! The race started and in the first mile
I quickly started falling behind, I looked up not even a mile later, to
see my sister standing at the side of the trail waiting for me- we originally
started out 4th from the front and I know for a fact that she
could have easily finished in that same placing or even better. I scolded her
for stopping letting her know that I would be fine and we needed to do this!
She quickly let me know that we were doing this together no matter what. We
joked and laughed-
She unplugged her headphones and
let the music ring out so that we could dance and sing our way through the
trail- The girl is a hoot!!!
I laughed when an EFY song came on her
so called “running mix”- she laughed and told me- what better inspirational
song is there? I laughed and she sang out… very very loudly! We
continued and we we're having fun. We could not stop laughing our whole way and
somehow Veronica never seemed to loose her breath… while running.. and singing…
and laughing… she is most definitely a robot!! I am certain of it! Haha
Then as we reached mile
9 suddenly I knew something was wrong- I was dizzy
and lightheaded- my vision went screwy and I had to sit. Something was
definitely wrong. To say I was frustrated is an understatement I could feel my
blood pressure drop drastically. I sat for a bit and decided I could do
this… I was not going to give up this close to the end- however at
mile 10 I dropped instantly with the worst Charlie horse I had ever had. We
laughed and joked that she should finish the race and come pick up my broken
body after… then the seriousness of the situation set in and I realized I
really couldn’t finish and now we were in last place.
I needed her to run to the next aide station not knowing how far
it would be but I needed someone to come get me- there was no way I could
She was reluctant but we were both nervous with the
situation so she ran and I continued to walk assuring her I would stay on
the trail… uphill I went and went and finally looking at my
tracker I realized I had gone well over the regular 13.1 miles- I had
just passed a “Finish” sign at the top of the mountain- but the finish line was
nowhere in sight, instead the arrows contined pointing down the the path… I
went on… uphill and downhill. I was
dizzy, my eyes were blurry, and I was nervous. Then 14 miles passed.. where on
earth was the finish line? I was worried. I felt sick- and my body simply could
not go any further… I continued walking and thinking ..stressing..
about my upcoming talk for sacrament the next morning… and it hit me like
a ton of bricks. This past general conference, a number of our incredible
apostles and even our prophet -expressed a great love of their 3 friends, 3 of
our apostles, who had recently passed. I cried thinking that these three and
all the others who continue to serve so diligently- giving all that they have.
I cried thinking that maybe they too felt
like I did- I realized that these incredible servants of our father in heaven
go and go in a marathon harder than any of us could comprehend. they don’t give
up, instead they push on, hurting, and praying, they push on burdened with
the heavy load of their calling- doing everything and anything
that they can do to finish- but not only by themselves- they
strive to do anything in their power to help those around them
get to that finish line. I thought of my sister who stood by my side when she
so easily could have run passed. All I wanted was to cross that finish line,
throw my hands up in the air and go home. Just like our faithful apostles I
have no doubt that they too pushed on when they felt they couldn’t go any further with
more burden and pain then I could imagine just so that they could
cross that finish line and return to our father in heaven and tell him- I
did it, I have given all that I have and I am home. What an
incredible marathon they have run. Finally after getting lost and
following the wrong path… I finally hit a total of 16.7 miles, I was able
to cross the finish line- seeing my sister there with bloody knees seeing the
sacrifices she made to try and get me help she laughed and cried –she told
me “ I thought you were dead! But I think I have the perfect thought
for your talk! She said we just need to remember Elder Nelsons talk- stop
crying, get up, and go to work! I laughed letting her know that that was what I
had already planned- she later texted me telling me well then just throw in
Elder Holland’s lesson of just keep going- there is help
ahead!” I laughed! Heavenly father knows us so much better than we
know ourselves- he teaches us lessons when we least expect it and rejoices and
answers prayers when we turn to him. I know that after 10 miles I could not have
gone further without the help of my father in heaven through my
sister- he taught me that I can get up and go- even when I don’t want to
or feel like I cant.

(you would think we ran barefooted.... nope! dont you love my sexy tan... dirt line! and then sweet veronica's feet and knees.. looking at this makes me want to laugh and cry! It was such a sweet experience and I know I couldn't have done it without this sweet girl.)
(you would think we ran barefooted.... nope! dont you love my sexy tan... dirt line! and then sweet veronica's feet and knees.. looking at this makes me want to laugh and cry! It was such a sweet experience and I know I couldn't have done it without this sweet girl.)
This half marathon adventure was just that for me.. an adventure!
This particular one taught me a lot of myself and a lot about what I need to
improve on! Words cannot express how grateful I was to run such a tolling race
with my youngest sister and best friend!
Oh and did I mention that Veronica wants to
do one a month… one day I will be as amazing as her! Haha

Somehow we forgot to take an after picture... so we got home and had to take one and send it to each other... and look I even got a medal.. haha i almost.. just almost with it said "Last place"- but nope! Sailor and Keller think it is an awesome necklace!
Somehow we forgot to take an after picture... so we got home and had to take one and send it to each other... and look I even got a medal.. haha i almost.. just almost with it said "Last place"- but nope! Sailor and Keller think it is an awesome necklace!
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