sitting. snuggling. cuddling. all snuggled up together
with you sleeping on my chest. can these moments please last forever? looking
at "old" pictures, feeling like they were snapped just yesterday but
realizing that they are now perfect memories. perfect little milestones in your
perfect little life - it absolutely confounds me. how is it my sweet baby is
growing so quickly? how are these moments going by this fast? is it possible
that this is my reality? I am afraid the moments when you want to sleep on my
chest snuggled up close to my face are growing fewer every day. watching you
grow and develop has been the greatest blessing I could have ever imagined.
Heavenly Father has blessed me more than I could ever express gratitude! this
next year is going to have a lot of changes little buddy and I couldn't be more
excited but at the same time I must admit that I am a bit nervous! I hope you
will always know with a surety the love that your mommy and daddy have for you!
but more importantly I pray that you will always know of the love that your
Heavenly Father has for you! you are so blessed to have a father in heaven who
loves you so much and wants nothing but the best for you! I know that through
life you will go through many trials but I also know with the love of your
parents and your Heavenly Father, you will be able to over come each trial
given to you. I know that without a doubt you will grow to do amazing things
and you will grow into an amazing young man! I love you little buddy! I know
that right now you probably think I am just your crazy mommy who dances and
sings maybe a bit too much- but it is because I love you!!! you and your daddy
are the greatest joys and blessings in my life and I know that I don't even
know the half of it! one day you will be a big brother- and even though you are
still so little I know that you will have more love than imaginable for your
little siblings and that makes mommy so proud! thank you for being my perfect
little angel! thank you for your little hugs and kisses! I will cherish these
little snuggle naps as long as I possibly can!! sweet dreams my little prince
charming dream big for great things await you!!! xoxox mommy